Re: [Evolution] auto reply in evolution

Sorry, I should have pointed out, I'm using Evolution with 
Ximian connector. All my mail is held on the exchange server.
I can't use any tools like procmail or vacation or .forwards
or anything like that. The tool must be part of ximian or 
part of the exchange server.

Has anyone done this? Are there any plans to add this feature
to Evolution?


On Tue, 2003-02-25 at 04:49, guenther wrote:

I was wondering if anybody has set up an auto-reply
in Evolution and if so how did you do it?

I tried setting up a filter and piping the output through 
vacation but it didn't seem to work. Has anybody had any luck with

Sorry, I never tried that and will not -- Evo as a MUA is for managing
the mails. Evo is not intended to run 24/7 and catch the mail.

Use procmail for those things. In the procmail man-pages are
ready-to-use recipes for that purpose.

procmail answers those incoming mails automatically, even when you're
not at your computer using Evo.

OK, ow for some hints:

I would pipe the received mail to a shell sript (preferably Perl) and
let that script generate and send a new mail.

There are a lot of CLI tools, you can use: Just cat a mail into 'mail',
'mailto', 'sendmail', ... or use Perl Modules to send the mail.

A small script should do what you want.

Att: The procmail recipe _does_ filter circulating mails, a small script
will likely _not_. So consider what happens, when you and another guy
both answers automatically all your mail like that...

Declan Houlihan                          Tel: 408 382 3221
Unix Systems Administrator               Fax: 408 382 2708
Analog Devices Inc

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