Re: [Evolution] Can filter some subjects

On Fri, 2003-01-31 at 18:04, Christine McLellan wrote:
You can create a Filter as follows:

Select 1 of the messages, right click and choose "Create Rule from
Message" "Filter on Subject".  This brings up the Add Filter Rule
dialog.   Edit the text in Subject Contains to match what you want
Evolution to watch for.  And under Filter Actions, choose:  Move to
Folder and choose the folder to move the messages to. 

After you create the rule, you might want to choose select all the
messages in your Inbox and then choose Action Apply Filters (ctrl-y)
to process your existing messages.  

On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 02:22, Dije DJ Mashao wrote: 

I get several emails a day with subject " ***! SPAM !*** <some other
text"". I cannot filter these emails in Evolution 1.2.1.  I would like
to send these to the junk folder but I cannot do it.

Looks like someone set up spamassassin to evaluate and mark spam for
you.  Once you create the filter as suggested above, you should be set.

Arthur S. Alexion <arthur alexion com>
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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