Re: [Evolution] Red Carpet Upgrade

On Tue, 2003-12-09 at 13:28 -0500, Celsun . wrote:

Is it normal for Evolution snapshot upgrades through Red Carpet to take 

Using Red Carpet 2.0.2 on Mandrake 9.1 to upgrade Evo from 1.4.5-0 to latest 
snapshots w/ required packages and updating rcd has been running for over 3 

The upgrade (using broadband) got up to 88% hours ago and has been stuck 
there every since.  Is this normal due to these snapshots just being 

If not, what needs to be checked?



I've had similar problems in the past.  I'm not sure whether they're rpm
bugs, packaging bugs, or installer bugs (or some combination of the
above), but they typically don't resolve themselves, and one typically
has to kill the install, remove the broken packages and try the install
again. :-(

-Mark Gordon

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