Re: [Evolution] Re: Netscape as default browser (was: Re: [Evolution] ImproperMozillastart aft

At 01:12 AM 8/25/2003 +0200, you wrote:
On most modern GNU/Linux systems, sh is simply a symlink to bash and
therefore it is really the same. It's just shorter... ;)

$ ls -la /bin/sh
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            4 Mar 30 05:36 /bin/sh -> bash*

However, this primarily applies only to Linux systems and not others. Historically, /bin/sh has referred to the Bourne shell. The shell that most Linux systems use is a play on that and is called Bourne Again shell (hence bash). Bash combines many features (although not all) of Bourne, C Shell and Korn shell into one.


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