Re: [Evolution] Novell, and the future of Ximian?

On Mon, 2003-08-04 at 11:18, Matthew Keller wrote:
I've just finished reading the Novell PR on their purchase of Ximian,
and while I realize our favorite monkey's probably can't say much, I am
concerned that while Novell touted Gnome and Mono as well as RC, they
never once mentioned Evolution.

First off, I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about.

But I was talking to a Novell rep a couple weeks ago, and I was told
they are working on porting Groupwise to Linux and they have plans to
really push Groupwise on this platform.

I'm not exactly sure it would make sense for Novell to put resources
into maintaining both Groupwise and Evolution if they basically do the
same thing.  It seems we have another Mozilla situation, except that
unlike in Mozilla's case, the number of Evo developers outside Ximian
has nowhere eclipsed the number of Ximian developers.  (At least this is
how it seems to me.)

I therefore think it makes sense for Novell to drop Evolution (or at
least pull lots of developers off of it), and it will be up to community
volunteers to pick up the project.  That's not so terribly bad, IMHO,
but it will mean Evo will go through a slump while things reorganize.

It's also my prediction that in 1.5 years Novell will either have killed
or sold off the part that was Ximian.

But I am a pessimist.  And, as I said, I haven't any idea what I'm
talking about.  This email is random gibberish.  But you can bet I'm
very anxious to hear some sort of official statement from Novell/Ximian
about Evolution.


Jason Tackaberry  ::  tack auc ca  :: 705-949-2301 x330
Academic Computing Support Specialist
Information Technology Services
Algoma University College  ::

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