Re: [Evolution] Bug/Idea Submission


I'm looking for some info, or perhaps a 'point in the right direction'.
I've never submitted a bug before, so naturally the page to do so is
intimidating to me =)  I'd like to search for ideas that have been
submitted, and then if I can't find any of the ideas that I have for
features, I'd like to submit them.  I have the impression that this is done
through the same page that you submit bugs on.  Yes/No?

Yes --

A good answer would be even larger than your question. I'll try to give
you something to start. If you have more specific questions later, just
ask again.

If so: Like I said, I've never used anything like that before, so it's kinda
scary =)

Your starting point is -- you need an
account for writing. Reading is possible without account.

On that starting page, you can find a link to the most frequently
reported bugs. Start by checking them.

When searching for bugs, use that 'scary' query page as a step-by-step
formula. Specify as much data as possible and as less as needed. Just
like any search engine...

The most important part is giving some search strings (Summary, bottom)
and the Product (top). Most of the other variables are set to healthy
values -- don't change them, if you are not sure, what they are about.

When filing new entries, be as precise as possible and use the
step-by-step formulas. Sometimes it ca be hard, to find the right
component to file the bug again -- never mind if you are not sure, the
developers will change them, if the bugs are falsely assigned to them.
You need a good potion of in depth knowledge sometimes...

Set the Priority according to your 'bug': Ranging from Critical to
Wishlist and give as many info as you can.

At the top of the form to enter new bugs is a link to the bug writing
guidelines. Read them, if you don't want the developers to be rude to
you... ;-)

I'm a regular Outlook user at both work and at home, but my wife and I are
really growing to love Evo on our RH8 & 9 boxes(at home).  There are only a
couple of things that I'm missing really, and then I'd abandon Outlook
forever =)  well, at home anyway  ...which is why I was looking for some
info on how to look for features that are already 'in the mix' (I didn't
want to submit ideas already mentioned or currently being worked on).

Very nice attitude. :-)

To find out, if bugs or wishes are already filed, try searching
bugzilla. However, even after trying hard to find the right words to
search for, you may end up with a duplicate. The developers will just
close that bug then with a link to the previous entry.

Anyway, here's the short version of all that: I'm just looking for the right
place to submit ideas (for features), info on the right way of submitting
them, and info on how to search for ones that are already submitted so that
I can make sure I don't submit one already mentioned, or one that's already
being worked on.

You even can start by asking this list, before filing a bug or wish. It
is likely, that someone in here knows the bug if it exists. You can
always add more info to those bugs.

Maybe it is no bug and someone in here just knows the answer or
workaround. So I suggest you start asking... ;-)

I apologize for using this list to ask if it's inappropriate.  I ran across
it a few weeks ago, and I've been watching it since then... most posts are
over my head =)  so I thought I'd just ask my question and then unsubscribe
=)  ...maybe subscribe back in a year or two when I'm a bit more geeky =)

IMHO it is the right place for your questions.

But I really would suggest ot to unsubscribe. Mailing lists are a good
way to learn more about the topic, just by reading, if you have the
time. I bet a lot of folks just learned some basics about bugzilla,
cause you asked.

Hope, I didn't forget some important stuff...


char *t="\10pse\0r\0dtu\0  ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4";
main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8? c<<=1:
(c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}

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