Re: [Evolution] Opening Attachments

On Wed, 2003-04-09 at 09:59, Jean Neron wrote:
I've tried that before, but no luck. The file types selection just
comes up blank (ie, a completely empty pane) and I get the following
error in the console window when I click on 'File Types & Programs'
under 'Document Handlers'.

/bin/sh: line 1: file-types-capplet: command not found


On Wed, 2003-04-09 at 10:55, Paul Hands wrote: 

It's a gnome control center setting.  Try running gnomecc, which is
/opt/gnome/bin on SuSE 8.1.


On Wed, 2003-04-09 at 15:40, Jean Neron wrote: 
I think I've had this problem since I switched to SuSE 8.1. The
problem is that evolution doesn't seem to know anything about file
associations. No matter what the attachment is, evo only gives me
the choice to save it. Previously I used to have choices to open
with various programs, depending on the file type. I know this is
maintained in Gnome somewhere, but I believe it is set up
correctly, because when I run Nautilus, it knows what programs are
used for which files It's only evo that doesn't seem to know.

Where does it look for this information? I'm running under KDE.



from an earlier thread on this subject, it is a SuSE 8.1 problem easily
fixed as per the instructions from Itzchak Rehberg as follows:


It's FOR SURE a problem of SuSE 8.1: when creating the package for the
control-center, they forgot to include the binary for this *grmpf!* So
the solution was quite easy:

* d/l control-center*.rpm for SuSE 8.0
* copy the file into the /opt/gnome/bin
* et voila! Edit the associations...


after this you can, from Konsole, go to gnmomecc and make the file
associations whatever you want.

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