Re: [Evolution] Evo and sasl

lør, 2002-09-28 kl. 11:59 skrev Denny Schierz:

i installed on my Server Cyrus Imap and Sasl. It works quite ok (much
more faster then uw-imap), but the problem ist, that evo everytime log
in with plain password, but i have choosen in the mailsettings
Digist-MD5. I can log in, write/delete mails, but evo asked me every
minutes for the password. here ist my syslog: 

i useing evo 1.0.8.

I too. And I use CRAM-MD5 AUTH to my smtp out of Evo.

Errrm ... my understanding of CRAM/DIGEST-MD5 (rfcs 2195 and 2831, and
how I've configured my smtp server), is that they send hex tokens back
to the server based on a challenge form the server. They do not include
passwords. These are base64 coded. How can they ever be sent in be in
plain text?



Sep 28 11:38:14 debian imapd[12088]: login: [] admin
DIGEST-MD5 User logged in
Sep 28 11:38:14 debian imapd[12088]: seen_db: user admin opened
Sep 28 11:38:19 debian imapd[12088]: open: user admin opened INBOX
Sep 28 11:38:20 debian master[12089]: about to exec /usr/cyrus/bin/imapd
Sep 28 11:38:20 debian imap[12089]: executed
Sep 28 11:38:20 debian imapd[12089]: accepted connection
Sep 28 11:38:25 debian imapd[12089]: badlogin: [] plaintext
admin SASL(-4): no mechanism available: checkpass failed
Sep 28 11:38:32 debian imapd[12089]: badlogin: [] plaintext
admin SASL(-4): no mechanism available: checkpass failed
Sep 28 11:38:38 debian imapd[12089]: accepted connection
Sep 28 11:38:40 debian last message repeated 4 times

here you can see, that the first login is ok, with md5, but the next
login fails, because, evo sends in plaintext.


Tony Earnshaw

"Growing old" is compulsory, "growing up" is optional.

e-post:         tonni billy demon nl
gpg public key:

Telefoon:       (+31) (0)172 530428
Mobiel:         (+31) (0)6 51153356

GPG Fingerprint = 3924 6BF8 A755 DE1A 4AD6 FA2B F7D7 6051 3BE7 B981

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Dette er en digitalt signert meldingsdel

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