[Evolution] Evo and sasl


i installed on my Server Cyrus Imap and Sasl. It works quite ok (much
more faster then uw-imap), but the problem ist, that evo everytime log
in with plain password, but i have choosen in the mailsettings
Digist-MD5. I can log in, write/delete mails, but evo asked me every
minutes for the password. here ist my syslog: 

Sep 28 11:38:14 debian imapd[12088]: login: [] admin
DIGEST-MD5 User logged in
Sep 28 11:38:14 debian imapd[12088]: seen_db: user admin opened
Sep 28 11:38:19 debian imapd[12088]: open: user admin opened INBOX
Sep 28 11:38:20 debian master[12089]: about to exec /usr/cyrus/bin/imapd
Sep 28 11:38:20 debian imap[12089]: executed
Sep 28 11:38:20 debian imapd[12089]: accepted connection
Sep 28 11:38:25 debian imapd[12089]: badlogin: [] plaintext
admin SASL(-4): no mechanism available: checkpass failed
Sep 28 11:38:32 debian imapd[12089]: badlogin: [] plaintext
admin SASL(-4): no mechanism available: checkpass failed
Sep 28 11:38:38 debian imapd[12089]: accepted connection
Sep 28 11:38:40 debian last message repeated 4 times

here you can see, that the first login is ok, with md5, but the next
login fails, because, evo sends in plaintext.

i useing evo 1.0.8.

can anybody help?

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