Re: [Evolution] Evolution in RH 8.0, Evolution in Gentoo?

I got the same problem and found out that I needed to include mozilla
path in my and rerun ldconfig. I guess Evolution is using a
library from Mozilla libnss3 (if I remember correctly) and need to be
able to load it otherwise wombat complains and Evo won't start without
it. See if you run wombat by itself in an xterm, if you get a message
complaining about not finding some ssl library.

Hope that helps


On Sat, 2002-10-05 at 09:37, Mårten Voxberg wrote:
I installed RH8.0 manually from apt-get resource at

The error message I get (Evo 1.0.8 also got that from apt)
Cannot initiate Ximian Evolution-shell: Configuration database not found

What's that error and how do I fix it?
I had no dependency problems when I installed Evo...

BTW Im about to install Gentoo asson as my new machine arrives..
how do I go about to use the beta or cvs snaphosts in Gentoo


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com
Pascal DeMilly <list evolution newgenesys com>

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