Re: [Evolution] Evolution file location problem.

Try running killev before rsync.  You should probably do it on both
machines, since some information is kept in memory by Evolution
(particularly the calendar) and IIRC this will ensure it's written to

If killev doesn't work, then try oaf-slay...

On Fri, 2002-11-22 at 14:52, Ryan Leduc wrote:
I use evolution 1.0.8-10 on rh 8.0 on two computers that have separate
file systems, but I keep some directories in sync by doing an:
/usr/bin/rsync -avuz -e ssh --exclude "*~" --exclude "#*" --exclude

for my ~/evolution directory.  This seems to work fine for mail, but my
calendar doesn't seem to update. I added an appointment on one machine,
then exited evolution. I synced, and then started evolution on the other
machine and the appointment wasn't there.

Are there files stored elsewhere? Are my excludes causing rsync to skip
a key file?  Any ideas?

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