Re: [Evolution] Re: [Users] forgetting password of POP3 accounts

On Fri, 2002-11-22 at 01:06, Mathy Vanvoorden wrote:
On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 08:37, Jerry Cain wrote:

Btw, I don't know the version of Evolution I'm running (I'm not at that
computer at the moment) except that it's the one that comes with the
distribution of RH7.3. Also, I am using KDE (the release that comes with

You would be running 1.0.8. I filed a bug report about a similar problem
and that was fixed, so try 1.2 and see if it still happens :-)


Mathy Vanvoorden

Yes it still happens exactly the same with 1.2

Registered Linux User #288562

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