Re: [Evolution] Signatures vs accented characters (follow-up)

Le jeu 14/11/2002 à 17:51, Cormac Long a écrit :
Its your character coding.. when I view the message normally (in
ISO-8859-1 "Latin-1"), they come up incorrectly.. but if I change the
format to UTF-8, they display OK.

Yes during my attempts to solve the problem, I temporarily switch to
UTF-8. Before, Evolution character set was ISO-8859-1. But there is no
mention of Latin-1.

Normally, European charsets should view fine in Latin-1... you need to
check where your source the characters and possibly reformat as

Thank you for your answer. But where should I check for Latin-1? In KDE
or GNome configuration?

There seems to be a conflict somewhere. But I don't know where to

... croient être un "dysfonctionnement" de notre système : elles
reçoivent le Bulletin après avoir tenté de se désabonner ou
reçoivent le Bulletin en double. La source du problème est
invariablement la même :...

Philippe Chartier <chartiep cybersciences com>

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