[Evolution] Evolution and Connector 1.2 are out - SuSE 8.1 tip / gotcha with libpng


Evolution and Connector 1.2 a e both available for download.  I'm composing this email on them.

So far, so good - seems solid and most of the annoying bugs are gone.

A little hint for those using SuSE 8.1 :-

Yast2 seems to insist that libpng should be version 1.2.4-31, and deletes earlier versions during any install of anything. 

In my case, if I only have version 1.2.4-31 of libpng installed, evolution gives thousands of gdk_pixbuf and libpng warnings at startup.  It then comes up without any of the icons in the toolbar or the file browser, and generally looks awful.  If I install version 1.0.12-2 (rpm --force --install libpng-1.0.12-2.i386.rpm) of libpng, the problem goes away!

If I then go back into yast2 software  installation or use YOU, it deletes the older version, and the problem returns. There's probably a permanent fix to stop yast doing this, but I haven't found it yet.



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