Re: [Evolution] Evolution 1.2 Release Candidate 1

On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 13:00, Eric Lambart wrote:
I think I've been having the same problem.  I don't really use any local
mailboxes anymore, but next time Evo freezes I will try them, and I will
also try opening a message in a window.

When you have this problem, do notifications begin to "stack up" on the
status bar? i.e. "Storing folder xxx..." "Retrieving message xxx..."


I do not get the stack ups like you. It seems to only occur when there's
just one new email in the IMAP box and it's the only thing there. I'll
submit a bug.

| Thomas Baker                                  email: tjb unh edu    |
| Systems Programmer                                                  |
| Research Computing Center                     voice: (603) 862-4490 |
| University of New Hampshire                     fax: (603) 862-1761 |
| 332 Morse Hall                                                      |
| Durham, NH 03824 USA     |

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