[Evolution] Screenshot: Resize summary field

Am Do, 2002-05-23 um 16.50 schrieb Martin Klaffenboeck:

using ximian evolution 1.0.5 on gnome1, FreeBSD

I resized the summary field of the mail buffer, (klick on inbox and see
the upper frame with the list of the mails in it).  I resized there the
right column by using the mouse.  (It's hard for me to explain that in
english, sorry)

then after a restart of evolution, all the colums are as small as
possible and cannot get resized any more.  And the right place of this
colums to the end of the window (about two of my fingers long) has
background color and seems not to be used. So now I hardly can know
which line contains which email.

Now I've made a screenshot from my problem so that you can see what
happend.  Here it is:


When I go to the Fields with the mouse pointer, it changes it's shape to
the resize shape, but I cannot do anything.

Please help me,


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