Re: [Evolution] To: field left empty by Galeon

On Fri, 2002-05-17 at 16:16, Steven Tryon wrote:

The one that I pulled off the list is to have 

/home/stryon/bin/evomail %t

as the email setting in Galeon.

Evomail is a simple script:

#! /bin/bsh
/usr/bin/evolution --no-splash "mailto:$1";

It's not necessary to spawn a whole shell instance to accomplish this;
and doesn't pick up specified subject lines (used commonly for automated
support). Just put the following in Galeon:

evolution --no-splash "mailto:%t?subject="%s"";

This breaks if the link has insane stuff like ?body= and so forth, as it
will put it all in the subject header, but that's really rare to come
across in my experience. Somewhere out there is a great list of all the
evo arguments, I'm sure. <hint>
Brad Felmey

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