[Evolution] LDAP, LDIF, and WTF? :)

For grins & giggles, I've been teaching myself the basics of LDAP.  I've
got ldapadd, ldapsearch, and ldapdelete down and have my rudimentary
skills in place.  I decided to create a contact in evolution then do an
ldapsearch to see what schema was associated with which record in the
'contact editor'.  Everything made sense till I ran across this:

homePostalAddress:: MTMxMyBNb2NraW5nYmlyZCBMbgpKYWNrc29uLCBNUyAzOTEzMA==

This looks nothing like what I entered into the contact editor, yet if I
delete the record, and add it back (importing the info from the
ldapsearch as an ldif file) this gobbledygook transforms itself into the
address I entered originally.

What I want to know is what causes this?  Is it normal? And how do I add
a contact's address with ldapadd that evolution will see properly?

PS In using the 'Contact editor' GUI to create the entry originally, I
clicked on the 'Address' button and entered each facet of the address in
the appropriate line, reasoning that each entry would correspond to a
different aspect of the schema.  Imagine my shock when it didn't seem to
(in any way I can comprehend).


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