[Evolution] temporary Freezes in Evolution

I am running the latest Evolution bits on a 1 GigHz PIII w/1 gig ram
(RH7.2 w/ 2.4.18 kernel.)

With no other apps (except xosview) open under X, I periodically
experience long delays opening relatively small (non-html) emails. These
delays will be as much as 25 seconds. (Usually by then I've clicked
several times and I get 3 or 4 copies open.) Xosview shows no real disk
activity and only about 622 meg of memory  in use.

I check 4 email accounts (at various intervals), but I don't really know
if there is any correlation between checking mail and this, but I do
have a lot of email filtering going on, moving mail to different folders
and deleting spam.

Any ideas?


John Harlow, President BravePoint
jharlow BravePoint com
Voice: (770)449-9696         Fax: (770) 449-9003
www.BravePoint.com Progress,Web and Java Specialists

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