Re: [Evolution] VCards from Outlook ...

These are being sent TNEF encoded, which is non-standard and frequently
triggers a rant from me when I get them sent to me; however, to answer
your question: I remember reading sometime back that there was some work
in this area, so give it some time, or you can download "tnef" (a TNEF
decoder for linux ) from:
Or you could complain to the people sending them to you and request they
uncheck the "send mail as RTF" (or similar option, I can't remember it's
exact name atm) which will solve this problem in the correct place: the
broken mail client.


On Mon, 2002-03-25 at 11:59, Ryan P Skadberg wrote:
I've gotten a number of vcards attached to mails at my new work sent out
from Outlook clients that just show up in Evolution as WINMAIL.DAT files
and not real V-Cards.  Is there any work being done in Evo to be able to
decode these correctly, so they can be used as Vcards?


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