Re: [Evolution] Filtering based upon address book

On Wed, Jun 26, 2002 at 09:13:54AM -0400, John Harlow wrote:
I've built a pretty complete set of filters that get about 95+% of the
spam I receive and also deal with sorting my other mail appropriately.

There are still cases however where non-spam emails from my customers
and business contacts end up in my spam file. This file accumulates
about 400 messages a day in it and I must review it fairly often looking
for non-spam. Is there anyway to set up a filter that recognizes if a
sender is in my address book. That would help reduce the problem.

being fairly new to the list and not knowing what your setup might be,
i'll suggest the obvious:  use a mail filter like procmail instead of
evo for mail filtering.  it should then be fairly easy (very in
procmail's case) to integrate your filter with a spam tool like spam
assassin.  i use the procmail/spam assassin setup and am very happy.
i haven't had any false positives and only a few false negatives.

Peter Abplanalp
Email:   pta psaconsultants com

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