Re: [Evolution] Another couple of problem messages


Evo 1.07, Connector 1.04, SuSE 7.3, KDE desktop, IBM Thinkpad T21.

Am I doing something different?  I simply saved the attachment to disk - a file called problemmessage - and then imported it to the local inbox.  I didn't have to edit out a > before the from lines, as there aren't any.  The only < or > characters are in the HTML portion of the mail.


On Tue, 2002-06-25 at 11:38, Andrew Stubbs wrote:
Yet you say you are using Evo 1.0.7 the same as me?

What am I doing wrong?

On Tue, 2002-06-25 at 11:27, Paul Hands wrote:
> Andrew,
> When I saved it to disk, there isn't a ">" before the "From".  The
> importer recognised it as a mail file and added it to my Inbox as unread
> mail.  The headers look fine (excerpt below), and Evo does not crash???
> From: lkajgshh <lkajgshh sohu com>
> Reply-To: lkajgshh sohu com
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: multipart/related;
> boundary="e7ba0054-87ba-11d6-b951-00e04cf418d8"
> Message-Id: <E17MUdY-0001nN-00 fencepost gnu org>
> Subject: (no subject)
> Paul
> On Tue, 2002-06-25 at 10:56, Andrew Stubbs wrote:
>     On Tue, 2002-06-25 at 10:27, Andrew Stubbs wrote:
>     > I have now got Evolution 1.0.7 (where are these releases annouced? - I
>     > was expecting to see something on this list).
>     > 
>     > It still crashes on each of these two messages I got this morning.
>     > 
>     > Have these also been fixed in the development version? Any chance of
>     > them being fixed in 1.0.8?
>     I should mentioned (and you knew this anyway) that when you save them
>     you have remove the '>' from before the first 'From' before the importer
>     will recognise the file as mbox format (How does one stop it doing
>     that?)
>     -- 
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     |  Andrew Stubbs,                 |  E-mail: Andrew Stubbs superh com  |
>     |  SuperH, Inc.,                  |  or      stubbsa superh com        |
>     |  2430 Aztec West,               |                                    |
>     |  Almondsbury,                   |  Tel:    +44 (0)1454 462325        |
>     |  Bristol, BS32 4AQ, U.K.        |  Fax:    +44 (0)1454 462701        |
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     _______________________________________________
>     evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com
|  Andrew Stubbs,                 |  E-mail: Andrew Stubbs superh com  |
|  SuperH, Inc.,                  |  or      stubbsa superh com        |
|  2430 Aztec West,               |                                    |
|  Almondsbury,                   |  Tel:    +44 (0)1454 462325        |
|  Bristol, BS32 4AQ, U.K.        |  Fax:    +44 (0)1454 462701        |

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