Re: [Evolution] sharing printers

On Tue, 2002-06-11 at 19:14, Nick Swayne wrote:
OK, so this probably doesn't apply to this list, but I've given up
everywhere else.

More than probably, as nowhere in the following problem description do
you mention Evolution, groupware, calendaring, or even email.

Pardon my strenuous objection to this approach, but you've struck a pet
peeve: it's the "I can't get answers from anyone else so I'll bring it
somewhere wholly inappropriate" syndrome. Proponents of this approach
are sometimes people who've tried every imaginable resource to no avail,
but more often turn out to be folks who are too lazy to even try a
search engine and/or read some documentation.

I don't mind helping the former; I have great disdain for the latter.

I have a dual boot Linux system that is the "main" computer in a home
network.  It "owns" the network printer (an Epson 860 USB).  The printer
works fine on the host computer, but I can't figure out how to share it
with the network.

The rest of the network is using Wintel boxes Windows 2000 and 98SE.

I typed "Share Linux Printer with Windows" into Google and came up with
many links that look promising. I'd recommend the same to you.

Jim Meyer, Geek At Large                              purp wildbrain com

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