Re: [Evolution] Evolution, LDAP, etc. - rehashed

man, 2002-12-30 kl. 14:21 skrev Tony Earnshaw:

A wish: I can make modified Laser-Lachmann mailing lists and my smtp
server can use them. This is what I can make using standard schemas
delivered with Openldap 2.1.8, and it works perfectly. Any chance of
implementing this in Evo?:

dn: cn=norwlist,ou=contacts,dc=billy,dc=demon,dc=nl
objectClass: top
objectClass: nisMailAlias
structuralObjectClass: nisMailAlias
cn: norwlist billy demon nl
rfc822MailMember: marit domain1 no
rfc822MailMember: gaute domain com
rfc822MailMember: bjornst domain2 no
rfc822MailMember: unnicat domain3 no

O.k., I just duplicated my smtp ldap router so that it also accepts an
Evo-style list name:

'cn: norwlist' as well as 'cn: norwlist billy demon nl' (no domain
qualifier, you see?)

Now you have no excuse :-)




Tony Earnshaw

When all's said and done ...
there's nothing left to say or do.

e-post:         tonni billy demon nl

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