Re: [Evolution] spamassassin

fre, 2002-12-27 kl. 14:43 skrev Arthur S. Alexion:

Finally got spamd/spamassassin configured and working, and it is a truly
nice piece of software.  For a couple of days, I kept the
~/.spamassassin/user_prefs file open in an editor and tweaked the
white/black lists, and now it seems to be extremely accurate.

But I don't run my own mail server, so, while the program excels at
segregating and quarantining spam, it is a shame that I will continue to
need to waste downloading and processing time on the garbage.  I still
have not figured out how to use spamassassin to prevent or stop the spam
from coming to me in the first place.

This brings me to the question, is there a way, using the evolution
rules, to automate a bounce of the message every time it is determined
by spamassissin to be spam?

I use Spamassassin 2.50 on this dial-in Linux Compaq notebook. But, my
ISP allows me to run my own smtp mailserver on it too (he stores my mail
when I'm not logged in and forwards it the moment I do).

It's the job of the smtp mailserver to allow or deny mail domains.
There's a strict protocol from mail client to mailserver, and although
an smtp server CAN reject a source as soon as the source make itself
known, if the server accepts both the sender (my server is even capable,
as soon as receives a "mail from: localpart domain", of asking that
localpart's mail server if the localpart exists, before it accepts the
mail) and the recipient, there's no way it can judge the content of the
mail until it's been received. I.e., I get spam from unmoderated mailing
lists that I subscribe to, if the spammer has subscribed to the list
(there are bots that do that).

There's absolutely no way Evo could reject spam before it receives it.
in your mail box.




Tony Earnshaw

When all's said and done ...
there's nothing left to say or do.

e-post:         tonni billy demon nl

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