Re: [Evolution] Trouble authenticating with LDAP server

Well, I can telnet to port 636 on that host and it responds immediately,
but doing an ldapsearch from the command line hangs, so something weird
is going on.  I'm guessing evolution is having the same problem with the
host that ldapsearch is (which makes sense, they both use the same


On Wed, 2002-12-18 at 13:35, David R. Van Sandt wrote:
I am having difficulty getting my evolution LDAP configuration working. My
LDAP server uses SSL on port 636 and it requires a password to be used. I
entered the proper DN and BASE and there is no place for the needed

I've read all the recent posts (Nov/Dev users list and Dec Evolution list)
and I don't see anyone else having this trouble. So, I am suspecting it's my
setup. I did see a suggestion to run wombat in a terminal and did that. He's
the output...

wombat-Message: Starting wombat
Wombat up and running
backend_last_client_gone_cb() called!
backend_last_client_gone_cb() called!
wombat-pas-Message: libldap vendor/version: OpenLDAP  2.00.11
wombat-pas-Message: extensions present:
wombat-pas-Message: X_OPENLDAP
wombat-pas-Message: X_OPENLDAP_V2_REFERRALS
wombat-pas-WARNING **: could not perform query on Root DSE (ldap_error 0x55)
wombat-pas-WARNING **: Failed to perform root dse query anonymously,
wombat-pas-WARNING **: pas_backend_ldap_connect failed for

This works fine with outlook AND with mozilla mail.

Anyone have any suggestions on what I may be missing or can do to fix this?


- dv
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evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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