Re: [Evolution] any news on when 1.4 is coming out?

On Thu, 2002-12-05 at 08:52, Aristotle wrote:
Sorry - was that meant to be informative?

well, maybe it wasn't, but the thing is that that question have been
asked like a lot of times, and the answer is really "1.4 will be out
when the porting to GNOME 2 is finished". We've got really no date for
it to be finished, so telling you that it will be ready at a given date
would be a lie :-)

Of course, we expect it to take as little time as possible, but we don't
know yet what the exact date is.

If you really want a date, I'd say "for next year" :-)

I am making enquiries for work reasons too - I work in a large
multi-national IT company (sales) and I have been trying to get products
such as Evolution out to customers for a long time - all I have been
missing is the TCO analysis, etc.

I was hoping to trial Evolution at home so I can offer an informed view
to potential clients - who will ALL require the Connector product.

well, then, why don't you evaluate/use 1.2? Is there something in 1.4
that you/they really need to wait for?

Thanks for you help - I'm glad I have something to pass on to clients
and other (numerous) interested parties now:

"When it's ready"

if you say so, you will be saying the truth :-)

Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo ximian com>

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