Re: [Evolution] IMAP login problems

On Tue, 2002-08-20 at 22:41, Richard Zach wrote:

get them to fix their proxy, its not the first uni to fuck up like this.

Well, I'll try.  But it would be easier if I understood what's going on 
and what would have to be fixed (roughly).  A workaround would be nice, 
too, since they'll probably just tell me "Sorry, we only support 
Netscape and Outlook."

And we only support rfc compliant imap servers :-)

are you using 1.1?  i thought htat had patches to get aroudn broken
proxies  like this, but maybe it doesnt handle this case.  

Yes, using 1.1 snapshots.

absolutely no reason "" should be sent as  a literal anyway.

Can you briefly explain to me what's going on?   Doesn't the LIST 
command require the reference name (ie, "") AND the mailbox name (eg, *) 
as arguments?  That's what RFC 2060 seems to me to be saying. Why is Evo 
only sending only the ""?  And is there a reason to use LITERAL+ in this 
case? I mean, why not just send LIST "" * ?

it's sending the equivalent of:

LIST "" ""

this command is useful for getting the directory separator.

A0 LIST {0+}

The above command is yet another way to do it (using _'s in place of
spaces to make it easier to see)

The reason the first is made into a {0+} is because we use the namespace
string (which could be anything) and so our code uses a %F (a made up
printf-style special) and when our code encounters that, it says "oh,
this IMAP server supports LITERAL+ so lets use that syntax" and it does.

the call is something like:

camel_imap_command (imap_store, NULL, "LIST %F \"\"",

or some such.

anyways, it is your imap server/proxy/whatever that is broken and we
have enough kludges around broken imap servers as it is without adding
more pain. Not to mention the current imap codebase is a complete mess
to work with.



On Wed, 2002-08-21 at 05:52, Richard Zach wrtote:


My school has changed the IMAP config, and now I can't login to get my 
mail. The log's below. Looks like Evo is inserting a CRLF in the LIST 
command where it shouldn't.


received: * OK IMAP4 Ready
sending : A00000 CAPABILITY
received: A00000 OK CAPABILITY
sending : A00001 LOGIN xxx xxx
received: A00001 OK You are so in
sending : A00002 LIST {0+}
received: A00002 BAD Missing required argument to LIST

camel-imap-provider-WARNING **: Unexpected response from IMAP server: 
A00002 BAD Missing required argument to LIST
sending : A00003 LOGOUT
received: "" BAD Missing command

camel-imap-provider-WARNING **: Unexpected response from IMAP server: "" 
BAD Missing command

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com
Jeffrey Stedfast
Evolution Hacker - Ximian, Inc.
fejj ximian com  -

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