Re: [Evolution] Spell checking no longer works with SuSE 8.0

Title: Re: [Evolution] Spell checking no longer works with SuSE 8.0
Thanks, Ralph.

I added the pspell_dev package : no change.
Then I got gnome spell package from the site and now it works

Thank you very much - I am back in business!

I don't know if it was gnome-spell or the devel package or the combination which did the trick, but when I get the time, I'll investigate.


On Fri, 2002-08-16 at 00:00, Ralph Sanford wrote:
On Thu, 2002-08-15 at 09:10, Paul Hands wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently upgraded to SuSE 8.0 from 7.3.  I have evolution 1.08 and
> connector 1.07 under KDE3.
> Since the upgrade, spell checking doesn't work in Evolution new mail.  I
> have loaded gnome_spell, aspell and pspell..............
> An rpm query gives..............
> pspell-12.2-206
> aspell-
> aspell-en-
> gnome-spell-0.4-1.ximian.2
> ispell-3.2.06-114
> ispell-american-3.2.06-114
> ispell-british-3.2.06-114
> In the gnome preferences, spell checking is turned on and the dialect is
> set to "en".  The "spell check document" option is active in the
> composer, but even with blatant typos, insists that there are no
> spelling errors.  I've tried it with a dialect of en_gb and en_GB as
> well, to no avail.  The presence or absence of ispell makes no
> difference.  If I remove aspell or pspell, the spell check option gets
> grayed out in the menu, so the system seems to be aware of the state of
> the installation.
> Am I missing something?
> TIA,
> Paul

Hi Paul,

A couple of small possibilities for you.  Did you get the evolution
1.0.8 rpm from  The rpm from that site has been
particularly good about working with spell check.

Also there is a version of gnome-spell from that same site
gnome-spell-0.4.1-SuSE.jeo.1  that I am using on several SuSE computers
which may be different than the version that you are using.

Finally you can try adding the pspell-dev from the SuSE CD.  One of my
installs refused to spell check in evolution until I got desperate and
added this file.  No, I do not know why it works that way, but it did.


Ralph Sanford       -       If your government does not trust you,
rsanford telusplanet net   -   should you trust your government?

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