Re: [Evolution] Evolution and Pilot - NOT ENGLISH !!!!!!!

Окау. I found how to fix it myself.

Why doen't it work.
1. Evolution does not make conversion itself - it uses functions
convert_ToPilotChar and convert_FromPilotChar from pilot-link package
(file util.c) 
2. ToPilotChar and convert_FromPilotChar - by default  convert only
to/from CP1251 
( #define PILOT_CHARSET "CP1252").

Pilot-Link Uses Libiconv for charset conversion

How to make it work:
Install libiconv:  
(I couldn't make iconv from Mandrake 8.2 glibc work properly with
Apply attached patch
export PILOTCHARSET="Your charset". 
(in my case export PILOTCHARSET=KOI8-R)

And voila  - everything works fine.

PS: Main Idea adopted from
But pilot-link 0.9.5, the guy talked about did not work for me (maybe
something wrong with /dev/hands), so I used pilot-link-0.11.3 and
modified charset patch, 'cause it refused to apply on 0.11.3. 

В Втр, 13.08.2002, в 17:57, Andrey Tuev написал:
    Did Anibody Ever succesfully synced Evo thin pilot in 
    My pilot is working in koi8. 
    When i copy data from pilot to evolution i get underscores instead
    of letters. 
    When i copy data from evolution to pilot, i get UTF8 symbols instead
    of koi8 symbols. 
    Anibody, who had experience solving this problem please reply! 

Attachment: pilot-link.0.11.3-charset.patch
Description: Text Data

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