Re: [Evolution] "Mark all as Read" - Query.

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On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 11:04:49PM -0700, Rob Walker wrote:
On Thu, 2002-04-18 at 13:41, Janus Christensen wrote:
On Thu, 2002-04-18 at 05:32, Rob Brown-Bayliss wrote:

But, yeah, I guess one shouldn't be surprised if Microsoft steals the
idea. Maybe Ximian should patent the concept?

I think that software patents are a very yucky thing, and are being used
in a very bad way.  However, if it is good for the goose, it is good for
the gander, and a I think a good use of software patents would be to
secure the use of technology to open source software.  It is a shame
that they (restriction of the flow of information via legal means, aka
software patents) must be used, but I think they are needed to keep
software available.

In the U.S., there is a patent that can be used to allow anyone to use the
idea. I seem to remember that it is something like registering a prior art
with the Patent Office so that no one can try to get a restrictive patent
on the idea -- the USPTO version of copyleft. 

Using this process was suggested when Tim O'Rielly (O'Rielly Books) and
Jeff Bezos ( had a big discussion about software patents a year
or so ago.

- -- 
Anthony E. Greene <mailto:Anthony%20E %20Greene%20%3Cagreene pobox com%3E>
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