Re: [Evolution] problems while loading on debian

On Tue, 2001-09-11 at 13:37, Miguel Cavazos wrote:
i had my evolution 0.12 working in debian sid i dont know what caused this but i get this error while 
trying to load it

mike miguel:~/ximi/evolution-0.13$ evolution

evolution-shell-WARNING **: Cannot access Bonobo/ConfigDatabase on wombat:
mike miguel:~/ximi/evolution-0.13$ 

anyone has any idea what can it be? or what could it be causing this

I had this problem in debian woody.  In my case I ran the configure
command from the README in order to get the proper db3 and didn't pay
attention to the fact that it was using /opt/gnome for the prefix.  The
prefix value must be in the GNOME_PATH at both compile and run time.
When I recompiled with /usr/local as the prefix it worked great.


Beirne "Bern" Konarski  
beirne neo rr com       "Untouched by Scandal"

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