Re: [Evolution] no success upgrading from *mdk* evo 0.12 to 0.13

On Fri, 2001-09-07 at 18:36, Frederic Crozat wrote:

And for any problem cooker related, please use cooker mailing list.

I mistakenly sent this to the OP instead of the list (as this list
doesn't seem to set the reply-to headers to itself - irratating), and
then deleted the original post (hence my replying to this one instead).

------ problem starting 0.13 -------
I just had much the same problem.

What you need to do is make sure you also have the
liboaf0-0.6.6-3mdk.i586.rpm installed.

The version available when Evolution 0.12 became available was a
snapshot.  0.13 doesn't give errors when installing if you have the
snapshot installed, but it just wont work.

I've just installed the new liboafs and Evolution 0.13 now starts fine.
Rocky Hetherington | mailinglists alaula com | The Isle of Wight Portal Site

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