Re: [Evolution] sender/from displayed incorrectly?

The From: header is an invalid this wouldn't be an Evo bug.


On Tue, 2001-09-04 at 18:16, Urban Weber wrote:
i receive quite a lot of messages generated by our webserver running
cold fusion (i know we should use php ;-)) whose sender isn't displayed
correctly. i noticed that the standard form for the "from"-field is
something like "foo bar" <foo bar com>, am i correct?

unfortunately, the emails i get apparently have an incorrect header (as
you can see below) but i found out that most other email clients can
cope with those messages

so, i don't know if this is evolution's problem, probably not


here comes the header of one of those messages...

Return-path: <uweber pcp ch>
Received: from (unverified []) by (Rockliffe SMTPRA 4.2.4) with ESMTP id
        <B0001813272 vi1 dns virtense ch> for <list pcp ch>; Mon, 3 Sep
        19:39:58 +0200
Message-ID: <B0001813272 vi1 dns virtense ch>
Content-type: text/plain
Date: Mon, 03 Sep 2001 19:39:20 +0200

==========================> the next line's what i mean <==============
From: PCP.CH Bestellung

Subject: bla bla bla
To: list1 pcp ch
Sender: list-request1 kandahara com
X-Evolution-Source: pop://sponsz;auth=+APOP pop virtense com/inbox
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Evolution: 000004af-0010

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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