Re: [Evolution] Confirmation of mail status indicators

Addendum to Dans' info:

The X-Evolution header content is basically built from:
  g_string_sprintf(out, "%08x-%04x", uid, mi->flags & 0xffff);

Plus tags and user-flags which are added as encoded parameters.

But we 'reserve the right' to change it at any time.
(the format, the header name, etc).

Just wanted to confirm how Evolution stores mbox status in the .. I
think its the 24th field in the line "X-Evolution", or the 2nd to last
number in the field :)

      0 indicates unread
      1 indicates read
      2 indicates unread w/ attachment
      3 indicates read w/ attachment

this is how I'm seeing it in my mbox's. 

Andrew Lombardi
Mystic Coders
andrew mysticcoders com

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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