Re: [Evolution] Sent folder is now bold and displays message count

I have this problem with Rh7.1 and evo 200110050808 snapshot. It occurs
when I send a message. "Sent" will unbold and lose the count when
restarting evolution until the next mail is sent. John

On Fri, 2001-10-05 at 16:29, Richard Pavlovsky wrote:
I just downloaded Evo ver 0.15.99+cvs10.05.08.08.

In the folder summary, my sent folder is now bold and displays a message
count.  I have no new messages in sent so it should not be bold.  

Rich Pavlovsky  
rpavlovs engr csulb edu

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com
John S. Weber
jweber math cudenver edu
John S. Weber
jweber math cudenver edu

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