----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 2:00
Subject: Re: [Evolution] How to use
latest snapshots on Mandrake 8.1
RH 7.1 RPMs will work fine.
On Mon,
2001-10-01 at 07:15, Mike Leone wrote:
Hi. I upgraded from Mandrake 7.2 to Mandrake 8.1 over the weekend. While I
realize there's no Red carpet channel yet, since Mdk 8.1 was only released
last week, I'd like to continue using the latest Evo snapshots.
Will the RedHat 7.1 snaps work on Mdk 8.1? Anyone doing this? Any prequistes
I'd need, to go from the Evo 0.13 that comes with Mdk 8.1, to the latest
snapshots? With RC not working, I'd have to manually FTP them off Ximian's
evolution maillist - evolution ximian com