Re: [Evolution] Features possible?

Execute actions [if logical expression is met]
(a) Recipients         contains       foo
(b) Sender     contains       bar ximian com
(c) Message Body contains     bork

Logical expression: [((a&b)|c)|(~b&c)]

This would be _great_.  It could be hidden behind some "Advanced" button
so as not to confuse most people.  For most people the simple "any or
all" strategy is fine, so it may not be necessary to build a full
boolean expression builder in the GUI.

If a GUI is what we want, then it may be enough just to have an "OR"
button with the ability to reorder and perhaps duplicate the rules in
the filter (and vfolder editor).  So you have something like:

   Recipients   contains          foo
   Sender       contains          bar ximian com
   Recipients   contains          foo
   Sender       DOES NOT contain  baz ximian com


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