Re: [Evolution] How do I enable spellchecking in Evolution?

On Wed, 2001-11-14 at 12:30, Chris Cooper wrote:
Spell-checking works fine. The package you need is called "gnome-spell",
and it's available in the Ximian Gnome Desktop channel of Red Carpet

<snip />

Unfortunately, I can't get this to work on my Yellow Dog Linux box. I
get the following errors in RedHat when I try to install gnome-spell.

Package gnome-spell needs package which cannot be found.
Package gnome-spell needs package which cannot be found.
Package gnome-spell needs package which cannot be found.
Package gnome-spell needs package which cannot be found.

Can anyone tell me where to find these packages for YDL? Shouldn't
RedCarpet know about them?


David Wheeler                                     AIM: dwTheory
David Wheeler net                                 ICQ: 15726394
                                               Yahoo!: dew7e
                                               Jabber: Theory jabber org

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