[Evolution] Alarms in calandar items...

First things first: To everyone who ever has contributed to this
application, a heartfelt "Thank you!".  We use Evolution in our small
office on a daily basis, and make extensive use of the calandering and
pilot syncronization tools.  We use the iCal forwarding to sync
appointments throughout the office, even with the diehard Outlook user
(yes, uesr; there's only one M$ addict in the office, and she's
weakening, albeit slowly), and forward contacts around continually.

Your work is making a difference in the way that companies work, and
it's a great thing.

That said (isn't there always a flip side?!), I'm having a small problem
with my calendar items:  When I forward them as iCAL appointments, or
sync them with my Palm, the alarm doesn't transfer (I know that there
are 2 separate issues here). 

Is the reminder a part of the iCal specification that's either busted or
not implemented yet, or is it left up to the individual user to "accept"
the appointment/ meeting and then go set a reminder on it?

WGT the Palm sync, is anyone else experiencing this, or am I doing
something dumb (not that I've ever done something dumb before... yeah,

Thanks again for a great application, and thanks in advance for any
light anyone can shed on my trevails.

Rubin Bennett
Complete Connection, Inc.
(802) 223-4448
rbennett completeconnection com

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