Re: [Evolution] Duplicate messages

to put this as politely as possible, 0.15 is ancient :) Something on the
order of a thousand bugs have been fixed since then, and about a meg of
code changed. This includes both of these problems.

On Tue, 2001-11-06 at 12:45, Jon Reynolds wrote:
it is version 0.15, also some of the dates are only showing up as time
instead of day of week and time.

On Mon, 2001-11-05 at 23:20, Luis Villa wrote:
How old is your evo?
On Tue, 2001-11-06 at 05:23, Jon Reynolds wrote:
When I check the box for "leave a copy on the server" then check my
mail, then check it again, it keeps pulling down the same messages, is
there a way to stop this?



evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

Luis Villa
Ximian Bugmaster
"Quality is an amazing bridge because it is universal in its language."
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