Re: [Evolution] Buglets in RC1 build (+cvs.2001. I've seen

On Fri, 2001-11-02 at 17:52, Mark Neill wrote:
o File...Print shows 'lpr' but doesn't show any of the queue names I've
set up using PrintTool.  Shouldn't it, for consistency sake?  For new
users, this would be confusing I believe.  I want to print to my queue
LJ4, but all that is shown is 'lpr'.  If I print to the 'lpr', it *does*
print to the LJ4 queue, but it isn't intuitive.

This is an lpr limitation.  Typical home users aren't going to have
multiple printer queues, they are going to have one default queue.  No
queue specification is necessary in this case.

If a user is savvy enough to have set up multiple usable print queues, I
expect they are savvy enough to append -Pqueuename to the lpr command to
print to the non-default printer.  But that's just my assumption

Except that multiple queues is a good way to have multiple printer
configurations (single- or double sided printing, color or B/W, and so

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