Re: [Evolution] Bug Day! [and other bug information, relevant to everyone]

On Thu, 2001-11-01 at 06:31, Kai Nielsen wrote:

On Mit, 2001-10-31 at 22:20, Luis Villa wrote:
The good news: we believe we've squashed the 'IMAP hangs on startup' and
'gtkhtml crashes every time I try to do anything' bugs. We're now fairly
certain that the last snapshot is really, really solid. So... please
grab them, pound them, and do your best to prove us wrong :)

I am always compiling CVS checkouts, and the checkout from half an hour
ago (now it's Don Nov  1 12:27:47 CET 2001) still has an IMAP problem:

I cannot use IMAP over SSL. When using IMAP over SSL it always
stopped filling my folder (which had 25 unread on the server) on
varous percents: It stopped on 2%, 73% or 95% for example. It was
always different every time I tried (using killev between startups).
It never got it fully refreshed so that I could actually look at the

Another IMAP folder from a server without SSL worked fine on the same
time. So I switched my SSL-IMAP to unencrypted IMAP and it works again-
I'd like to use SSL again though. :-)

Is this everyone else's experience (that it is only w/ SSL that things

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