[Evolution] first bug report

At first thanks for the help received so far.

I am afraid I begin with an bug-report :
1. I ususaly sort my mails on date so that the recent mail appears at
the bottom of the list (this way pressing 'n' to read the next one
works). Unfortunately evo show the lists always from top (means I have
to scroll down first). Further if I delete mails (incluing the last=most
recent one) and press Ctrl-X it crashes (when I display recent mails at
top it does not).
2. when using gpg for sending encrypted mails it often freezes or even
crashes (signing works). In detail, it frezes before asking my for my
passphrase or crashes afterwards. I've been only once able to sende an
encrypted mail to myself.

Finally a question. Is there a scripting interface or something like
that to evo available, as I e.g. would like to see all
birthdays/anniversaries in my calendar and would eventually try to do
this via a script.


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