Re: [Evolution] Segmentation fault! Help!

I'm having the same problem. Ran gdb, it says
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x400a96c9 in eti_row_height (eti=0x80f8490, row=0) at e-table-item.c:497
e-table-item.c:497: No such file or directory.
This is in libgal. The first time I built evolution, it was in,
and that was only linked because libgtkhtml needed it. But I compiled
gtkhtml against gal5 and rebuilt evolution without gal3 -- and now the
problem is still there, only in libgal5.

On 2001.03.24 05:33:03 -0500 chultquist alfonzo smuts uct ac za wrote:

I'm running a Debian Linux system and yesterday upgraded to the latest
snapshot of Evolution (0.9+cvs.2001. at the time. The only
problem is that whenever I run Evolution, it crashes with a segmentation
fault. It makes it past the splash screen phase, activates all it's
components and registers all my folders, and starts to display the main
window. While it's trying to display this, it crashes inexplicably...

Any ideas on how I can narrow down or solve the problem would be



evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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