[Evolution] Evolution slower with Gnome 1.4?

I've been running Evolution for the last couple of days on my work
machine, which is running Ximian Gnome 1.2.

Just now I upgraded to the 1.4 beta using Red Carpet, and noticed that
Evolution seems to run much slower.  Many common operations appear to
take at least twice as long as they used to, in particular starting up,
and composing or replying to a message.  Changing folders seems to be
the same speed as usual (which isn't great to begin with, and probably
seems slower than it is because of the flicker).  For example, clicking
the reply button takes precisely 8 seconds for the message edit dialog
to appear.  (This box is a Celeron 533 w/ 192MB RAM.)

I'm pretty sure this isn't all in my head, but I thought I'd ask if
anyone else has observed this, or if this is a known issue before I
start trying to troubleshoot it. :)


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