Re: [Evolution] New snapshots, old bugs

0.9 is frozen so nothing goes in there, not even bug fixes at this point
since it was supposed to have been released.


On 07 Mar 2001 13:21:00 -0800, Jeff Soule wrote:
When do bug fixes get moved from HEAD to the 0-9 branch?
There are some pretty cool changes that I would like to see in stable,
without the APOP crashing bug of course :-)


On 07 Mar 2001 13:06:10 -0800, Jeffrey Stedfast wrote:
The bugs that were fixed were fixed on HEAD, the snapshots are being
made from the 0-9 branch.
So no, don't reopen them.


On 07 Mar 2001 11:59:09 -0800, Richard Zach wrote:
I had filed a number of bugs, some of which were marked fixed (between
2/26 and 3/2) but which still don't work on the 03.06 RH 6.2 snapshot.
Were they fixed on a different branch as that from which the snapshots
are built, possibly not committed yet, or should I reopen them?

Specifically, e.g., bugs 1541, 1633, 1583.


evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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