[Evolution] HTML Default Settings

Feat Request: Have you thought about adding the possibility of choosing
the default font family, size & color for new messages?

And what happened to the default 'Sign with PGP by default Feat Req'?
Will it be considered.

Thanks & keep evo going like that :).

Juan Alonso Hernández

Grupo de Seguridad                              +34 91 523 97 80
División de Integración de Sistemas             jah heyde es
Heyde España                                    

PGP Key: www.dharana.net/dharana.asc
PGP Fingerprint:   408A 70EF 1457 5BC4 CCB1 6324 640E 6F32 B50B 4E68

Attachment: pgpBnpl2JhIGB.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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