[Evolution] Weird/Annoying features

I've been using Evo since 0.8 and it looks promising. The Beta1 release
just have a lot of those little mis-features that can break a program
completely. I have taken the liberty to compile a short list:

1: If you are in the Inbox, the shortcut for "New Message" is "Ctrl+N"
If you are in "My Evolution" the shortcut for the same function is

2: The mail summary in "My Evolution" is not updated on new mail.

3: Clicking on a folder in the mailsummary does nothing.

4: In "My Evo" you have no "Send-Receive"

5: Make a new Task, and it shows up in "My Evolution" with a little bell
beside it, what does that little bell indicate ?? And how do you get rid
of it??

6: Changing a task-status to "In Progress" finishes the task, making
task-status useless.

7: Changing status on a task to in-progress changes the %-complete
indicator to 50. ie a good start is half the work :)
Not always true in the real world, but funny.

8: Clicking on "Tasks" in My-Evo brings up the tasklist (fair enough),
but clicking on individual tasks brings up the task list, and not the
property box for that task.

9: No due dates for tasks in My-Evo.

10: Changing the settings for My-Evo to "Show Todays Tasks" does

11: Removing all newsfeeds removes all newsfeeds (again fair enough)
But removing all "Display-Stations" in "My Weather" (strange title) and
you are stuck with a sunny happy icon.

12: An "All-Day-Event" lasts 2 (two) days ?????, AND have a time
(12:00AM) in "My-Evo"

13: Appointments with no reminders set still have that strange bell next
to it, making it really hard to spot your reminders.

14: The danish letters æøå and ÆØÅ doesn't work in appointments (works
everywhere else).
   |    |    Michael Gade
   | C  |)   
   (___ |    mail : Gade CodeCentral dk
     )__|    ICQ  : 21266228
    /  \\    WWW  : http://www.CodeCentral.dk
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