[Evolution] evo redirected with X11


I'm using an older version of evolution (0.10.99), but I think it
doesn't matter.

Sometime I'm using evo with a redirect over X11. With a 100MBit/s
between server and client, it's slow. With 10 MBit/s, it take about 4 to
5 seconds to switch to the next mail (10 MBit/s exclusive, no
collisions). Sometimes, you can see, that parts of the applications are
rebuild over and over again, or rebuild if you only move the cursor
(without changing anything).

I think, it's a good idea for the developers to test this (over a slow
line, perhaps slower than 10 MBit/s) to improve performance - also the
normal performance of evolution.

Hope this helps somebody.


Heinz-Josef Claes

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